A First Start Easy Reader Guided Reading Level

I Can Read! Levels

Browse by level to find great books that are just right for your emerging reader

Basic features of print and reading, short and simple sentences, and full-color stories for children at the very first stages of learning to read.

The story begins with My Very First books! Introduce children to reading with the My Very First reading level. Books at this level feature Tug the Pup and Friends, a series written by reading specialist and international education consultant, Dr. Julie M. Wood. Each of the three box sets comes with 11 full-color stories, a parents' guide containing tips on reading with your child, and reward stickers.

Basic language, word repetition, and whimsical illustrations, ideal for sharing with your emergent reader.

The first step to helping children become great readers is reading aloud to them. Books at this level, like Biscuit and Pete the Cat: Too Cool for School, have short compelling stories, and are written with simple vocabulary. Repeated phrases allow young readers to read some words along with their parents. Many of the words are sight words children recognize. Active, engaging stories have appealing plots and loveable characters just for early readers.

Short sentences, familiar words, and simple concepts for children eager to read on their own.

This level is just right for readers who are beginning to sound out words and sentences. Books on this level, like Danny and the Dinosaur, are written with simple sentences using familiar words. Many of the books at this level are filled with animal characters that have wonderful adventures! The vocabulary is just challenging enough to stay interesting. Children looking for favorite characters at this level will find the Berenstain Bears, Pinkalicious, and more.

Engaging stories, longer sentences, and language play for developing readers who still need some help.

Level 2 is for readers who are increasingly confident, but still need some help. Books at this level, like Frog and Toad Are Friends, and Amelia Bedelia titles include more complex story lines, longer sentences, and more challenging words. Mystery and adventure stories, like Plants vs. Zombies; Save Your Brains! and Justice League Classic: I Am the Flash, are included at this level, too.

Complex plots, challenging vocabulary, and high-interest topics for the independent reader.

Level 3 includes many fun subjects kids love to read about on their own. Historical fiction books, like The Drinking Gourd and Buffalo Bill and the Pony Express, are introduced at this level. Other themes include friendship, adventure, and science. Level 3 books are written for independent readers. They include challenging words and more complex themes and stories.

Short paragraphs, chapters, and exciting themes for the perfect bridge to chapter books.

Level 4 books are for children who are well on the road to becoming book lovers and are fully independent readers. This level features more historical fiction titles, like Dinosaur Hunter and First Flight, as well as books about adventure and suspense. The stories are the most advanced of all the I Can Read! levels.

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A First Start Easy Reader Guided Reading Level

Source: https://www.icanread.com/levels/

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